Our Services

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We offer a comprehensive suite of cybersecurity services, encompassing both proactive and reactive measures. Our expertise is grounded in highly technical domains, yet we are equally adept at assisting organizations in enhancing their internal security processes and organizational structures. With a deep talent pool, we are confident in our ability to address your specific needs. Should you require a service not listed below, please reach out to us—we may still be able to provide the solution you seek.

Education, Training, and Fun
  • Engaging, in-depth, and highly educational workshops for cybersecurity professionals, customized for either novices or experienced specialists.

  • Comprehensive training programs for your developers, focusing on secure design and implementation practices.

  • Security Capture The Flag (CTF) – organizing events, assisting with organization, creating challenges, and testing challenges.

Science and Craft
  • Cybersecurity consulting services, specializing in application and computer system security, secure design, and secure implementation.

  • Reverse engineering services, e.g. binary software analysis, malware analysis, etc.

  • In-depth security research services for both software and hardware.

  • Penetration testing services, including thorough security reviews of application design and implementation.

  • Fuzzing (security fuzz testing) and other comprehensive security testing services for your products.

Looking for something else?

Contact us to discuss if we can help address your specific requirements!

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Workshops and Lectures

In the world of computer science, there's always something new to learn. Whether it's cybersecurity or programming, some topics can be pretty complex and tricky to understand well. That's where we come in. We offer workshops and insightful lectures on cybersecurity, reverse-engineering, and programming. Our sessions are straightforward, thorough, and focus on practical, hands-on skills.

We run open workshops and lectures where everyone can sign up.
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We offer private workshops and lectures for your company or your friend group!


We're experts in various fields of cybersecurity with a proven track record. Whether you need consulting, advice, design reviews, or hands-on technical work, we've got you covered. We're here to help with anything from small questions to large projects. Plus, we've got a rich network of professionals, so if we can't help, we'll connect you with someone who can.

Reverse Engineering

Reverse Engineering (sometimes called Binary Analysis) is one of our top specialties, whether it's computer software or hardware firmware – we're literally world-class in this field. We can help you analyze software for backdoors, examine malware, fix programs from defunct manufacturers, or recover lost source code. We thrive in situations with little to no existing tools, obscure hardware architectures, and anti-reverse-engineering obfuscation techniques commonly found in malware.

Security Research

Our cybersecurity research services delve deep into vulnerability research, going beyond standard penetration testing to uncover novel issues in your products, products you own, or products you are considering acquiring. We excel in dealing with new, highly complex products, particularly those dealing with low-level security aspects. We're also well-versed in applied cryptography and can assess your implementations to ensure they are robust and secure.

Penetration Testing

We'll work with you to make your systems and applications more secure!

We offer a range of penetration testing services, from security reviews of applications and firmware to classic infrastructure penetration tests. Our expertise spans the full stack of technologies, from web applications down to the kernel and hardware. After the penetration test, we are happy to collaborate with your system administrators and programmers to guide them in improving your systems' security posture and to provide training to deepen their understanding of security.


Fuzzing, or fuzz-testing, is an automated testing technique responsible for discovering tens of thousands of security vulnerabilities across hundreds of products. We can help you leverage fuzzing to test your applications, no matter where they reside in the stack. We offer services to create custom fuzzing engines and components, optimize fuzzing processes, and train your software and security engineers in all aspects of fuzzing.

Capture The Flag

Security CTFs are popular hands-on exercises and challenges in the cybersecurity community (read about them on Wikipedia). Our founder knows this firsthand, having created one of the top competitive CTF teams in the world – Dragon Sector! With our extensive CTF experience, we offer organizing and assisting in CTF competitions. Whether you want a small private competition for your company or need challenges created and tested for a high-ranked tournament, we've got you covered.

Interested in other services we can provide?

We have a top-notch talent pool – get in touch and we can see what we can do for you!

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